Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Sunset of Liberty

I have all but given up hope that America will ever be the glorious shining beacon of freedom that I was raised to believe she was. The powers in this World have bought and sold the dream. They manage every major aspect of life in America from the Morning news to the evening Weather. Even Bill Gates is not rich and powerful enough to battle them, even if he were so inclined. I would love to be suprised and live to witness the killers of JFK brought to justice. I would love to see America become the shining light of liberty and freedom to the World, but I know that as long as there is money and power to be had by controling America they will take any measure to ensure that they remain in complete control.

You and I can be no more than a irritant to them, and they can swat us anytime they want. Once you could get on a ship and sail to a brave new land to escape oppression and injustice, but when those that feel themselves to be above the law and the rightful Masters of others control the entire Planet there is no longer a safe harbor from their grasp.

Know your enemy, they smile and lie to you every day from your televisions and newspapers.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006