Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shoutback isn't charity, it's $harity

Shoutback claims it helps fundraisers, but if you look around their site you won't find the actual percentage mentioned anywhere. The reason for this is that they take 50 to 80% for their own use.
If you do all the work of getting local sponsors they take 50% of what you generate. If they help at all with finding sponsors then your take is a pitiful 20%.
How many sponsors would pay the minimum $20.00 per Month AND the $195.00 "signup fee" if they knew that those they were trying to help only got $0.20 of every dollar?

The better charity programs take 10% or less for their overhead, some of the best to be avoided take 20 or 30%, but to take 80% is not just overhead, it's flat out greed.

IMHO you would be better off soliciting direct donations from local supporters and not supporting the young and greedy wannabe net millionaires at Shoutback. They get a -5 stars from me.

Here is my correspondence with them...

"Dear Shoutback,

Please detail the auction process. What portion goes to the group and what portion goes to the seller?
what portion is kept by Shoutback as fees and how are the seller and group paid.

I could not find this information on your website.

Thank You, Bill Fikes"

and they replied...


Sorry it took me until now to get back to you. The auction element of the Shoutback fund raising web tool will be removed on Wednesday. We will be featuring a new look and easier fund raising tools and Wednesday the 1st of October you will see these changes.

With the new Shoutback tool you will be able to go to your community for support, ask local businesses to list gift certificates and then sell them on your Shoutback page for half price. The group will recieve 50% of the proceeds. We have a staff that will make calls and get these listings for you, if you need the help. If we help and make calls, the percentage for proceedes from sales to the group is 20%.

Also, check out the social networking features of the site. Your group can communicate, post events, pictures and videos. The more members you have the easier it is to raise funds.

You will receive a newsletter with tips and hints as well as updated from us. Look for it on Wednesday and after that we will sending it our monthly.

We are always available to help so feel free to contact us."

Jodi Brooks
Director, Shoutback
6401 Davis Industrial Parkway
Solon, Ohio 44139
O 800.592.2030 ext. 154
F 440.542.2795

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