Sunday, June 12, 2005


I keep being affronted by human beings that seem to not only be quite willing to take the path of greatest stupidity but seem confused when told that there would have been a better way, or that they are complete and utter idiots. The fast food Assistant manager that makes you repeat your order three times and still gets it wrong. Or the Bank clerk that is too busy talking with the teller next to her to listen to your instructions on what to do with the check. I blame the public schools, for allowing students to do the least in quality required to get out of school, I blame TV for putting on Conan O'Brian type shows where the thought seems to be that as long as it's on TV you will atch it, it does not need to be actually funny, or even rehersed or well concieved. The World once desired American made products because of the quality of the materials and craftsmanship, but we are headed to a place where "American Made" will read more like "Mexican Peso" or "Worthless Crap".Webmusher

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